
Showing posts from March, 2018

The difference between the centralized ledger and distributed ledger explained

Ledger can be defined as a book where records of financial transactions of any given organization are kept . You can call it a register in a college or school setting. Ledgers have been important for any economic transaction since ancient times. They have helped to initiate payments, move property and assets, record contracts and sell or buy deals. The journey started with the recording of important financial information on clay tablets and has managed to pass through generations up to being recorded on paper. The invention of the computer has helped to store financial data electronically and this has made things even easier .  There have been a lot of innovations and storing of financial data on computers is taking a different path now. Technology has led to fast, decentralized and cryptographically secured ways to be used. Centralized ledger This is also known as the general ledger. This ledger holds all accounts for recording different transactions ...

Tripper economy: earn millions with block chain content marketplace!

In the current time, the social media has proven to give many of us an experience of interconnected world, which is controlled and centralized with great platforms. Even though the social media platforms are full of problems uncertainties which annoy all of us! Like, fake views, fake news, ad space, bait clicks, ad cheats, arbitrary demonetization contents and inflation. As a result to all these problems, many of us are losing the current paradigm. In the current time, there is a common platform which social networking participant’s have started using, known from the name tripper economy hinder all the problems.  Introducing the tripper economy platform! The tripper platform has proven to be the next paradigm in the social media. The platform has spent their last decade in circulation and controlling the digital content’s and now has proven to give results to its user by its usage time to master in the distribution of digital wealth. Initially, as the social netwo...